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The Sun and planets are blown glass supported on arms of carbon fiber extending out from a curvy, finned science fiction Steampunk rocket. All planet orbit velocities are 50,000 times normal, accurate down to four decimal places. Mercury completes one orbit in 2.5335 minutes, Earth in 10.5194 minutes and stately ol' Neptune clocks in at 1.2038 days!
The Zodiac Ice Plates are 72 inches (1.83m) in diameter and .5 inch (1.3cm) thick cast crystal in 12 pie sections, each etched with its corresponding Zodiacal sign, the Ecliptic and days/months of the year. The plates are cast as an icy comet nucleus cross section representing the oldest undisturbed objects in our Solar System; with rich surface textures, interior inclusions, impurities, fractures and trapped bubbles.
All rest upon a base of hand-crafted solid cherry wood in the form of a Mariner's compass rose, supported by eight globe feet and gracefully turned spindles. Each of the eight cabinet panels are carved from old woods; displaying data on a planet and its physical properties in relation to Earth.
The orrery is available in a three foot diameter version as well as this six foot.
For a more in-depth look at how this work of art/machine was created, BJ wrote a multi-part series on his blog.