Festive Creations by Artist-Engineers • B.E.Johnson & Joy Alyssa Day


Blown Glass Solar System Ornaments

Signed by the Artist
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We ship anywhere.
Magic Doesn't Come
From an Assembly Line

Inspired by Scientific Data, each and every one of these are created individually, by hand, by Independent Working Artists here in our Hot Shop on San Juan Island. There'll never be another exactly like it. They are durable heirlooms made with care, to be handed down through the years. Care takes time and that adds up to lasting quality; quality that endures over time.

Shipping Considerations

We endeavor to keep one Collection in stock at all times. Prior to the Holidays, we stock up but they go pretty fast. Therefore, Express shipping is usually not applicable. We normally use USPS Priority 2-Day/3-Day for small items, so that is advised as your choice in the cart.
We will always do our best to create and ship as soon as we can. If you really need it quickly, let us know. There just might be one on the shelf with your name on it.

Do You Ship To My Country?

We're asked this quite often. Check our Interactive Client Globe to see if we've already shipped to where you live. The answer is probably: "Yes!"

Get It In Time For Christmas?

Our elves are working double shifts into the night to fulfill your wishes and make your Holiday Dreams come true. Depending upon where you live and delivery times from our studio off the Pacific Coast, arrival may come shortly following Christmas Day.

We don't know about others, but our Christmas doesn't end on December 26. It lasts well into the New Year and gifts arriving during this time serve to make the Joy last all the longer. We hope that you agree.

Go ahead and place your order and we will do our very best to get Your Heirloom Collection shipped right out to you as quickly as possible. Next year, and all the many years to follow, they'll be waiting in your boxes; ready to be placed on your tree for you and yours to enjoy
all season long. Better yet, hang a few in your windows and enjoy them all year.

Lasting quality and happy patrons are our first priority.
Thank You for your support
of Working Artists!
Happy Christmas!

PCI Compliant
Questions? Call toll-free to place your order:
1-8-SPHERICAL (1-877-437-4225)