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 moe "I LOVE THESE BOWLS!!!!!"
        -- Moe
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my cat's cradle is trademarked and copyrighted by joy alyssa day

The Artists Joy and BJ create all kinds of amazing artworks in their island studio. Small paintings, watercolors, acrylics along with larger pieces on canvas. We also blow and carve glass, making small beads and marbles up to large-scale installations for lobbies and museums. Every day is different, What a great career.
Joy with Larry and Dobby

Joy plus 5 cats!!
It's a wonder I ever get any work done
BJ plus Moe.
Sore shoulders that night!

BJ plus Moe and Dobby
The Testers We have a wonderful island Hot Glass Studio off the coast of Washington State where we have rescued a number of cats (and one scraggly possum). With us working at the studio, we are able to give them all much love and attention. They are (mostly) well adjusted and super cuddly, and have the best time watching what Mom and Dad are going to build next.

Kirby. What a cutie!

Luna. Fiesty little girl.

Dobby. See his curly tail?

Dobby just loves Mommy's glass

Larry is our most beautiful Maine Coon
Larry gets a hug from Dobby

Moe  had a busy day

Ooh, Moe loves Mommy's glass too

Roadside is our most picturesque

—with Roadside loves to lie upside down
Rubius is our hugely stately lion

Rubius knows he's beautiful
Shadow is my angel

Shadow's a little on the tubby side
